Humanist Action Group

What is the Humanist Action Group?

Photos from HAG projects

The Humanist Action Group is an organisation which aims to inspire and coordinate Humanists doing volunteer work in their local community.

HAG was first founded in 2009 by Chris Worfolk and Richard Parker. The idea was to stop talking about how Humanism is about living a good and ethical life which makes the most of it for ourselves and those around us and get out there and start making a difference - not because scripture told us we should but because it is the right thing to do.

Since that time HAG has been involved in an array of different community work including homeless outreach, community clean ups and blood drives.

HAG is coordinated by the Chris Worfolk Foundation, registered charity 1137220.

Contact Us

If you would like to receive information about volunteering opportunities in your local area, please see the volunteering page. Alternatively you can contact us via the details below.

By email at:

In the Media

Humanist Soup Kitchen
Conservative Humanist Association

A Sunday service with no religion?
BBC Leeds